Emotional, Spiritual and Physical Healing is here for you!

Healing and Deliverance is Here! Bring the Hurting, Lost & Broken We’ll All Be Made Whole! Bring your faith, power and anointing and see the sick recover in Jesus! If you’ve been part of these meetings, then you know what God is doing!!! If you haven’t yet, then you need to get there! Don’t miss out on your blessing. We’ll worship together, hear what God has done for others and let Holy Spirit work through us alongside ministering angels to see the miraculous happen in our midst! The meetings just keep getting better and the miracles, signs and wonders keep increasing. Let Love work through you. We’ll see you there! Complimentary Desserts & Drinks Provided

  • Date:11/2/2024 05:00 PM
  • Location 3740 Telegraph Rd Arnold, MO 63010 United States (Map)